Monday, October 6, 2008

The last couple of days

Well you know how life throws you curve balls well ive gotten a few and what have i done...struck out. It just seems like nothing wants to go the way i want. But thats life. Well all i ever do is work and to top it off it just seems like my boyfriend and i just cant get along. Everything is coming at me so fast and it hurts. I havent been home since ive been here and i am really missing my mom. But what does that matter when they dont matter...well thats what some people tell you. However i cant seem to understand why people say that. Some people believe you should put them before everything but i dont believe that. Im not about to give up everything i have worked for to please one person that isnt who i am. But do i really know who i am? I guess the one way to find out is to continue to grow in my faith My mom once told me that in order to please soeone else you have to please yourself first. Now that i look back on that i see the truth in it. Without being happy yourself, you dont know what the point of doing anything is. Ive loved every minute ive spent up here but something just make it harder. Why do these things keep coming at me? Well i think its because God is testing me and my faith. In a way i am thankful that he is because ive failed once at keeping my faith and i am determined not to this time because i want more than anything to be the person he wants me to be.
-Joshua 1:9-

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