Well this is the last straw...i dont know how much longer i can take this. I get my computer back after one month in Houston and now the internet isnt working. It seems like the problems just continue to come. Everybody hits me at the same time with their problems and then on top of theirs i have my own issues. The boy is stressin me out more than anything. Plus people that were forgotten have came back into my life...how confused i continue to be....why? I just dont know what to do about anything anymore. I want to be a good friend and it just seems like i cant do that without other people down my back. I have one person who i actually dont have an issue with helping her but all these other people....geez. You would think i already have my degree in psychology. On the plus side, school is actually keeping me a little calmer cause it keeps me busy for part of the day. But what bout the part im not busy....then they all start coming. Its cool if your going through a tough time but nobody is...except one person...rest of it is pety crap. I just continue to pray that God can give me the stregnth to continue beinging the good friend i have been in the past...no matter how hard it is or will be. Well this one person once told me through thick and thin i can do anything...my ambition is one that over steps what people ever would have thought. This woman also told me to not let anybody knock me down without a fight...so here it is my fight to battle to remain a loyal and good friend to anybody that needs me.
-Joshua 1:9-
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Montreat day
Well 7:15 came and i hoped out of bed to head to class...but first gotta eat. French toast sticks are the highlight of the week. Class began with behavoiral states which wasnt to bad...For once. The favorite class of the day was Abnormal and i found out more about my major than i had ever know. I also declared my second major...Human services. Later that day came softball practice and it turned out to be a fun practice. no matter how tired i am i pushed my self to be the best i could. Dinner was pretty good it was the best chicken ive had in a while. Later that night had to do the computer homework where i had to call Greene to help me and casey came and joined the club. Well its that time to go and just remember that put all you love in God himself and he will do wonders in your life.
-Joshua 1:9-
-Joshua 1:9-
Sunday, September 28, 2008
One of those days
Well its Sunday and of course i wasnt able to go to church because i had to work...LIKE ALWAYS. Well work started out to be the longest thing ever until i went to lunch. Hahahaha, then the hyperness came out. but then it left and i felt exsausted. Anyways, on my way home, all my thoughts about last night came back. I cnat stop thinking about how everything will be. i just dont want it to be the same. I want to be happy, but is it possible when someone stresses over there job that much?I guess ill find out one way or another.
-Joshua 1:9-
-Joshua 1:9-
One motion picture
Well i went and saw Fireproof and wow does it make you rethink everything. If you dont know, my boyfriend is a firefighter and this movie was about the life of a firefighter. In the beginning it made me begin thinking that firefighters put up their life everyday they go out on a call. I realized i wasnt ready to loose him yet and then all the thinking began to fall. The main character and his wife were having marriage problems and he had lost is faith. It had me thinking is that how it is going to be for me? I balled through the whole movie because somethings it was showing in the movie i could see my boyfriend beginning to do. He has let stress affect him in a negitive way and it scares me.I dont want to end up in a relationship where we dont talk or we argue all the time because if thats all its going to be it is a waste of time. Once the character found God, everything changed wheather the woman believed it to be sincere or not. He changed ion a way that would move any woman and make them cry. He did stuff that he never did and that he made his wife do. he aslo began to give he things that showed how much he loved her but still she never believed it. Why? well youll have to find out yourself but ive never had a movie rethink that if what i have been doing is the best for myself.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
Friday, September 26, 2008
Just another day
Waking up at 7:15 for class i stubbled to do my morning things. I head to class only to find out my first two classes have been cancelled...what luck...or is it? well i guess hanging out in Belk was fun. You know the day had to continue and i eventually had class, but this was one class i love. Abnormal Psychology...i look forward to it everyday...never thought i would be so interested. Well later that day class was over and i had to eat...of course...i cant go a hour without eating...well thats what my mom says. Anyways after lunch A wee and i headed on my mission to find GAS!!!!it wasnt hard but its only cause i got lucky...cause right after i left they ran out...we went back to fill up A wee's car and they were out so we continued to drive until she found gas. We found it but had to wait in line. Continuing on my day i headed to practice were i recieved a blister from hitting...but i worked hard to do what i needed to do. After practice there again i had to eat...hahaha...mom should be so proud. After dinner it was off to the v-ball game to watch and support the team. Who know what is done for rest of the night. But im sure what ever it is i will enjoy it. God works in unique ways and i have seen the different and amazing things God has allowed me to have. If it wasnt for my mom sending me to a school away from home i never would have been where i am today. Well thanks for listening to my day....and ill be back tomorrow.
Joshua 1:9
Joshua 1:9
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Yep its me
Hey the name is Cayla M. Starnes and i am a sophomore in college. I play softball for the current school i am attending. I am a psychology and human services major and plan on getting my PHd for both. When i graduate i plan on working with a place called the Dove House located in Statesville, North Carolina. The Dove house is a child advocy center that helps out sexually abused kids continue on in their everyday life and not have as much trouble trust and seeking out other people. As of right now i am a current employee of Dicks Sporting Goods. I started out playing soccer and continued to play for eight years and then moved on to play softball. This transition was a good one and helped me to be in the places i am now. I am a strong christain that apperciates everyday i have to live. I lost my best friend when i was nine years old and struggled through a tough time for a couple years but found that through God anything is possible. I wouild love to move to Colorado and continue to live my life and have a family. However my family would be so far away i dont know if i would be able to do it. I love spending time with my friends and family and love going out. I have many hobbies that tend to cause problems with money such as SHOPPING...ITS A BAD HABBIT.
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